Marcello Frisina has dedicated himself to the practice of animation for eight years, starting at The Animation Academy in Burbank, California, where he was taught by the industry-renowned Charles Zembillas (Crash Bandicoot; Spyro the Dragon; He-Man) and continuing through the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he’s double-majoring in Art and Film and Media Studies. During his first three years at UCSB, Marcello worked in graphic and concept design for several UCSB productions, the school newspaper, and on commission. Ever since his senior thesis film, A Drop in the Sand, was awarded the "Best Short FIlm" UCSB Corwin Award, he's thrilled to take it to other festivals and one day expand upon the world he and his co-writer, Miles Bitton, created.
Marcello Frisina
Director/Producer/Co-Writer/Storyboard Artist